TeachTech has a series of classes taking place over the next few months. Classes are all taught by local teenagers who are passionate about technology and teaching. There is no cost to attend TeachTech classes.
Introduction to Social Media
This class provides a basic introduction to the social media for those interested in the major technologies that are working to connect the world. The class will focus on learning about Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram and will contain a Q&A session at the end as well as the opportunity for participants to create social media accounts of their own.
introduction to mobile devices
This class provides a basic introduction to the mobile devices that are powering the world. The class will focus on the state of the mobile industry, the benefits of iPhone and Android devices, as well as the iTunes and Google Play stores. The class will also contain a Q&A session at the end as well as the opportunity for participants to set up their devices and troubleshoot any issues they are having with their device.
Troubleshooting technology
This session focuses on helping solve any issues you are having with your technology or any set accounts. Students will be on call to help with any issues users have. This is more of an office hour-type session.
Tech awareness for parents with teens
This session takes a look at what types of tech and apps are popular with teens, and focuses on what parents with teens using technology need to be aware of. The class will focus on Snapchat, Facebook and the rise of various new apps. The class will also contain a Q&A session at the end.